The RESPONDER project (standing for Resolving Subglacial Properties, hydrological networks and dynamic evolution of ice flow on the Greenland Ice Sheet) is a European Research Council-funded interdisciplinary study intersecting glaciology, geophysics and computer science. We explore the dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet with the fundamental goal of understanding how physical properties and hydrological networks evolve over seasons and over multiple years, and how that evolution impacts on the flow of the ice sheet when water from the surface is transferred to the bed.
The RESPONDER team consists of researchers and graduate students at the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge and the Centre for Glaciology at Aberystwyth University. The project also has a number of international research partners, including scientists from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, University of California, Santa Cruz and Stanford University.
The research is funded by a Consolidator Grant to the PI (Poul Christoffersen) from the European Research Council, under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Contact: Poul Christoffersen | Scott Polar Research Institute | University of Cambridge | Lensfield Road | Cambridge CB2 1ER | UK | 0044 1223 366 516 | pc350[at]